Chase Robertson

Scraping Together a Triathlon Training Plan

I signed up to compete in a half-Ironman(tm) triathlon on September 8, 2024. Completing a half-Ironman(tm) involves:

Progressive Income Tax Visualiser

In this post, I exhibit the progressive income tax visualisation tool I’ve published as a Shiny App.

Reflections on ML

Latent thoughts and specific review regarding an introductory machine learning course taken at the University of Auckland.

Support Vector Machines

In this assignment for a machine learning course, I generate synthetic data and explore how the underlying patterns affect SVM tuning parameters.

NZ Housing Policy Exploration

In this post, I illustrate an end-to-end data science project investigating the impact of the February 2021 Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill by observing changing rental trends on the New Zealand housing market.

Data Visualisation in base R

In this post, I play with various plotting and visualisation options provided by base R, with a strong focus on small details.

Naive Bayes Classification

This post details the development process for my submission to the Point-of-Interest Categorization competition on Kaggle.

Decision Tree Practice

In this post, I compare 3 decision tree models pruned with different techniques. Analysis is conducted using 3 separate datasets to show how tree depth interacts with the dimensions of the dataset.


Hello world. I probably won’t post much here, but please check out my Resume, CV, and About tabs for more info. My social and contact links can also be found at the bottom of the sidebar.