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About Me

Why Data Science?

I chose to pursue a career in Data Science to contribute to better, more rational decision making in the world. Whether that be in banking, logistics, consumer technology, or other industries, I want to be the one absorbing empirical observations and measurements and distilling better and more efficient processes from them. I enjoy the challenge of interfacing between other humans and the cutting-edge technology that enables our comfortable and safe modern world. I also enjoy the challenge of wrestling with those technologies so that my stakeholders don’t have to.

What am I up to?

I am learning the fundamentals of statistics and practicing them in R. I am also practicing statistical learning in R, supplemented with the tidyverse ecosystem of packages. Separately, I am learning more about general machine learning principles and models, and practicing those with Python and sklearn.

What makes me special?

I am different from others in my ability to absorb the context of new environments, and quickly reach a high level of communication efficiency with domain experts. As domain knowledge is one of the crucial elements of successful data science application, I believe this trait will underpin success in all aspects of a role, but especially in stakeholder communication.